Autor: rodrigo fiume Page 2 of 35
Até que eu apoio isso. A hora é boa pra criticar os grandes… Ele já tinha feito isso na ONU.
Da Bloomberg:
Brazil’s Lula Says Rich Countries to Blame for Financial Crisis
By Bibhudatta Pradhan
Oct. 15 (Bloomberg) — Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said emerging markets have become victims of a global financial crisis that has been caused by rich nations.
“It’s unacceptable that we will pay for the irresponsibility of speculators that transformed the world into a gigantic casino and at the same time they give us lessons on how we should govern our countries,” Lula said in New Delhi today. “We are the victims of a financial crisis generated by the rich countries.”
Lula spoke at a summit of leaders from Brazil, India and South Africa that concluded in New Delhi today.
Anyone Else But You, que andou bombando depois de Juno
Oct 9th 2008 | SÃO PAULO
From The Economist print edition
Pointers to the presidency
A good day for São Paulo’s governor
Serra hopes for the next clap after LulaFOR the past few weeks cars, motorbikes and even fishing boats across Brazil have been decorated with flags and stickers bearing the name of a candidate and the number of a party list. This visual bombardment has been backed up by jingles of maddening repetitiveness, blared out from lorries and cars, designed to hypnotise voters before they cast their ballot in the first round of municipal elections, which took place on October 5th.
Se você está pensando em comprar uma câmera fotográfica, vai aqui um site bem completinho para fazer pesquisas sobre recursos, especificações, etc — em inglês. Chama-se Digital Photography Review. Como disse, ele é bem completo, ou seja, você pode se perder um pouco entre câmeras, acessórios, softwares… Tente o dispositivo de busca, se você sabe exatamente qual máquina quer. Ou o Câmera Database, para procurar pela marca. Um recurso bem útil mesmo é o Buying Guide, no qual você pode mostrar as especificações que quer —ele mostra quais câmeras as têm— ou fazer uma comparação side-by-side com alguns modelos.
Henry Kissinger’s portrait
by Richard Avedon
I once went to Washington for what they call a “photo opportunity” with Henry Kissinger. As I led him to the camera, he said a puzzling thing. He said, “Be kind to me.”
Idéia muito legal. Os diários do escritor George Orwell, autor de 1984, viraram um “blog” —com um “pequeno” intervalo de 70 anos.
The other local daily paper read here is La Presse Marocaine, which is somewhat more right-wing (at any rate more anti-Russian and more pro-Franco) than the Petit Marocain.There are said to be about 15,000 troops in Marrakech.
Paul Newman Dies at 83 (obituários do NYT normalmente são mais bem feitinhos)
Do Los Angeles Times:
The Hollywood A-listers of the 1930s and 1940s helped pave the way for smoking in the movies that continues today, according to a study of endorsement contracts between the studios and tobacco companies and advertisements from that era.
A idéia do blog é mostrar os desastres feitos com o Photoshop e publicados, seja em anúncios seja em fotografias que ilustram reportagens. Nem tudo é engraçado nem fácil de ser entendido, mas alguns são bem divertidos. Clique aqui para ir para site.